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Main features
- 16voice Cross-Fusion Synthesis Synthesizer
FM synthesis, Wave & Phase distortion, Virtual Analog, Spectrum Waveforms, Karplus String Model, and Samples. - Over 5000 Presets in various music styles.
- Bank Manager
- GUI is available in sizes 100%, 125%, 150%, and 200%.
- Animated dials and faders
- 6 Oscillators with Algorithm control for FM synthesis or other routing combinations
- Analog-modeled waveforms, Spectrum Waveforms, Karplus String Models, and Samples
- Granular on a select range of samples.
- 6 User samples per Preset can be loaded.
- User samples with layer options included velocity split and keyboard range split
- 2 Filters with different routing options, and serial or parallel mode
- 6dB Hi-Pass and Low-Pass Filter
- 12dB Hi-Pass, Low-Pass, BandPass, and Notch Filters in 3 different characters Type 1, Type 2, and Zero Latency.
- 18dB Hi-Pass and Low-Pass Filter
- 12dB Hi-Pass, Low-Pass, BandPass, and Notch Filters in 3 different characters Type 1, Type 2, and Zero Latency.
- 36dB Hi-Pass and Low-Pass Filter
- Comb Filter Positive, and Comb Filter Negative.
- Vocal Filter, Formant 2 Band Filter, and Format 4 Band Filter
- Ring Modulation, Frequency Shift Positive, and Frequency Shift Negative.
- Amount control for Filter Envelope, Velocity, Keyboard Tracking, and Modulation Wheel
- Panning and Volume control
- Always visual except for the Sample Page, and Bank Manager Page.
- Main Volume Envelope with Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release.
- Detailed Envelope features are available in the lower midsection.
- Velocity control and Main Volume control.
- XY pad with record option and tempo-based option. Vector mode for controlling the Oscillator 1-4.
- 4 MultiEnvelopes with up to 15 sections and tempo-based and loop features
- 14 LFOs with default destinations, and 4 free LFOs
- Modulation Sequencer
- Keyboard range and Velocity range modulation source.
- Modulation Matrix with Advanced mode
Play Modes
- 16voice Polyphonic
- MPE Poly mode
- Mono, Mono Low, Mono Hi
- Legato, Legato Low, Legato Hi
- Portamento modes with time or rate control
- Sequencer
- Arpeggiator
- Chord memory with up to 8 notes, velocity, panning, strumming, and tempo-based option
- Unison modes available are 2 up to 6 Voices, 2 and 3 Octaves, 2 and 3 Special
- 32 Steps
- 4 Free Rows can be used as a source in the Modulation Matrix or FX section.
- Ratcheting modes
- Monophonic Sequencer with 32 Steps
- Per step waveform selectable
- Ratching modes
- 4 FX with various routing options
- 34 top-notch FX types
- 2 modulation slots per FX
- 6 user samples per preset
- Granular for the single samples
- Layer options for the 6 user samples, included split points and velocity split points.
Bank Manager
- Preset section with Bank selector section.
- Order by Date Preset listing option.
- Find option.
- Search Category option.
Back Panel
- Various Global settings, also appearing the main GUI Control Menu
- Global tuning option
- Tuning Scale options