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Main features
- Hybrid Synthesizer with Analog Style Sounds as well as Hybride Wavetable Sounds.
- Over 6100 Presets in various music styles.
- Bank Folders that start with 0 in their name are Predator-2, and Predator-3 Presets.
Bank Folders that start with 1 in their name are Predator-1 Presets. - GUI is available in 4 sizes being 100%, 120%, 133%, and 200%.
- Animated dials are available.
- 3 Oscillators with Sub-Oscillators.
- Subtractive analog-modeled waveforms.
- Additive spectrum waveforms.
- 8 User spectrum waveforms are available in each Preset.
- Different dynamic waveforms Morphing inside each Oscillator.
- Spread feature, creating a 3 Oscillator detuning within each Oscillator.
- Various audio modulation in Oscillators 2 and 3.
- Diverse routing options into the Filters.
- Two analog-modeled Filters with various routing options
- 38 Filter types
- Pre-Filter distortion Filter-1
- Filter Envelope with Attack, Decay, Sustain, Sustain-Fade, and Release.
- Additional High Pass Filter with Resonance (Q)
- Volume and Velocity control.
- Pan control.
- EQ mixing preset menu.
- 11 Distortion modes.
- ARP A, B, C, and D with each having up to 16 steps.
- Step features are Tie, Slide, Tune, Vel, Free, Lenght, Offset, Rachet.
- Different play modes for combining the four ARPs.
- Additional Arp modes like 'Chord Mode', Sequencer mode, and 'Modulating Mode.'
- Different Ratcheting modes are available.
- MIDI out available (available depending on the music host).
- Recordable XY pad, included different tempo-sync options.
- 4 X movement destinations and 4 Y movement destinations.
Pitch LFO
- Speed control and Tempo-Sync option.
- Multiple waveforms included the user waves (Oscillator section).
- Speed controls are Velocity, Keyboard, and Random.
- Poly, Mono, and Free Modes.
- Destination and Amount control feature.
Filter LFO
- Speed control and Tempo-Sync option.
- Multiple waveforms included the user waves (Oscillator section).
- Poly, Mono, and Free Modes.
- Amount Filter 1, Amount Filter 2, and Amount control feature.
LFO 1-4
- Speed control and Tempo-Sync option.
- Multiple waveforms included the user waves (Oscillator section)
- Phase control.
- Speed controls are Velocity, Keyboard, and Random..
- Poly, Mono, and Free Modes.
- Destination and Amount control feature.
ENV 1-4
- Envelopes with Attack, Decay, Sustain, Sustain-Fade, and Release.
- Tempo-Sync option.
- Envelope Speed controls are Velocity, Keyboard, and Random.
- Repeat option.
- Destination and Amount control feature.
Multi-ENV 1-2
- Up to 15 stages with curve control.
- Envelope Speed controls are Velocity, Keyboard, and Random.
- Loop feature with start and endpoint.
- Destination and Amount control feature.
- 11 inputs available included the audio input (side chain)
- Threshold, Boost, Smooth parameters for the input signal.
- Envelope control are Attack, Hold, and Decay.
- 4 Destinations with amount, and amount control.
- 20 Slots with a bypass feature.
- Advanced Mode with Offset, Lower Threshold, and Upper Threshold.
- 3 Bands with Frequency, Q, and 20dB Gain control.
- 12dB LowPass, and 12dB HighPass Filters.
- Preset menu (see also AMP section).
- Intelligent Preset Variation Generator.
- Preset Morph feature, to Morph two Presets into one new Preset.
Play Mode
- Poly, Mono, Legato, Arp, and Poly MPE Play modes.
- Pitch Bend range control per Presets with range -48 Semi up to +48 semi
- Chord Memory control per Preset with up to 8 notes, included their panning, and velocity adjustment.
- Advance settings for the Envelopes Attack Shape, Decay/Release Shape, and Analog Drift amount.
- 3 FX in serial mode.
- 34 Top-Notch FX types.
- FX can be Modulated.
Bank Manager
- Preset section with Bank selector section.
- Order by Date Preset listing option.
- Find option.
- Search Category option.
Back Panel
- Various Global settings, also appearing the main GUI Control Menu
- Global tuning option
- Tuning Scale options